Nov 5, 2009

Interesting Word Roots

Etymology has always been a very fascinating thing for me.
Though, I wouldnt call myself an "expert" in etymology.
I will present you with some interesting word origins that I have come across.

Juggernaut - an unstoppable crushing force

This word has a very interesting origin. It is derived from the Sanskrit word "Jagannath", one of the many names of the Hindu Lord, Krishna.

The word comes from the famous Chariot procession of the Puri Jaganath Temple in the state of Orissa, India. Very Devout worshippers throw themselves in front of the chariot (see the image) that carries the idols of Lord Jagannath and the chariot moves with great force that it is very difficult to stop them, even with so many people. Hence, the synonym "an unstoppable crushing force"


Tantalizing - teasing or tormenting by showing something that is very desirable
but keeping it out of reach

The word has its origin from Greek mythology. Tantalus, son of King Zeus, was punished in his afterlife for the sins he had committed in the mortal world. The punishment was such that he was made to stand in a river which was flowing right up to his neck, his hands and legs manacled, with a branch full of fruits above his head. Whenever he tried to drink water, the water level receded; and whenever he tried to reach the fruit, the branch started moving upwards. Hence, the synonym.

"Alas, wretched Tantalus, in the middle of the waves, stands there thirsty, and, starving, cannot have the nearby fruit. Change the name, and this will be said of you, o greedy man, you, who, almost as if you had it not, do not enjoy what you have."

Alciato's Book of Emblems


Kangaroo - an australian marsupial mammal; a mammal which has a pouch in its abdomen to carry its young ones.

The Myth & The Reality:
For ages, the actual meaning for this name was thought to be "I Don't Know" in an Australian tribal language. It was said that when the British landed in Australia, Captain James Cook asked one of the native men, "What is the name of that animal" and it was said he replied "gangaruu" which was supposed to be "I dont Know", as in a reply saying that "I dont know your language". But, very recently linguistics have traced and found that an Australian native language Guugu Yimidhirr, does have the word "gangaruu" refering to the mammal itself.

More to come..........

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